
Specialist Orthodontic Services at 42

At 42, we are able to offer the services of Specialist in Orthodontics Dr Maï-Linh Tran DipChD (Lorraine), DES ODF (France).

At 42, Dr Maï-Linh dedicates her time treating routine and advanced children’s and adult orthodontic cases.

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Dr Maï-Linh is very experienced in all areas of Orthodontics and is able to offer the following services to patients who may require his expertise in these areas.

Children’s Orthodontics

Adult Orthodontics

Multi disciplinary Orthodontics

Second/Professional opinion.

If you have any patients that you feel may benefit from Dr Maï-Linh Tran's experience and expertise in these areas, then please do get in touch.

Dr Maï-Linh would be very happy to discuss any cases with you and delighted to receive any referrals for advice and treatment